Si Fumo fumat, tota campania tremat

A small village that still has direct ties to the Middle Ages. This characteristic and evocative town called Fumone dominates the Sacco valley. In the past the residents would send up smoke (fumo) signals as soon as enemies were sighted. Pope Celestine V died in the prisons of his castle, after being imprisoned by Pope Boniface VIII. The village has steep small lanes and is dominated by the castle, which is softened by the presence of a splendid hanging garden on the top of the castle. An intact fortress. A must-see.


9 November 2022
Ciociaria dispensa romana

The food itinerary

The food itinerary Rich in water and vast arable land, this area was the larder of the Roman emperors and subsequently the Popes. The imperial villas […]
11 October 2022
Evento presentazione DMO 3 ottobre

DMO presentation event

Finalmente è ufficiale …siamo partiti! Abbiamo presentato il 3 Ottobre presso la sala Mescita della Fonte Bonifacio VIII a Fiuggi il nostro progetto di promozione e […]
13 September 2022
press tour dmo alta Ciociaria

The first press tour of the DMO Alta Ciociaria

Giornalisti e blogger in Alta Ciociaria Vi raccontiamo la nostra prima attività di Press Tour realizzato con 11 giornalisti di importanti testate nazionali, per scoprire le […]
13 September 2022
La rotta dei castelli

The castle itinerary

The castle itinerary Baronial, military and lookout castles. Each hill had one type. Many are now restored and open to the public. Others are in ruins. […]